
First and foremost, 31:8 Foundation is inspired by God and God’s word. Two passages in scripture just happened to be the eighth verse of the 31st chapter in Deuteronomy and Proverbs.

Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Proverbs 31:8 Speak up for those that cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.

Through the foundation we honor God and the legacies of two great men, Michael Mooney and Steve Walters. 

My dad, Michael Mooney, passed away January 13, 2021. He was an incredible father. I am so sad he’s gone, but I am so grateful I had him as a dad. I realize that many kids don’t have what I had. I know how important fathers, father figures, role models, and mentors are. My dad was my mentor. He was my best friend. He was my childhood coach and motivator. I want to pass down some amazing qualities of my dad to kids throughout the world with the help of 31:8 Foundation. 

There are many things that made my dad so special, but I will share with you three of them. One, he was there. He was there for me. He showed up and supported me throughout my whole life. We will do that for these kids. Two, my dad motivated me. He told me before he passed, “I was never gonna let you settle.” We aren’t going to let our kids settle. We are called according to a purpose from the creator of the universe. We are called to greatness. My dad brought the best out of me. Three, he gave me the greatest gift he could give me in this world. He believed in me. He told me time and time again, “I believe in you!” That is powerful to hear from someone you look up to. We will believe in all our kids, and we will push them to believe in themselves. God created each of us uniquely with an incredible purpose. We will constantly encourage kids to pursue their dreams the way my dad encouraged me.  My dad’s legacy will live on through this foundation. 


Steve Walters was the pastor of the church I attended, Hillside Community Church, during my time at the University of South Dakota. Steve was instrumental in the growth of my faith during that time. He was one of the most joyful people I have ever been around. Always kind, loving, and present with whoever he was talking to. He had a heart for Jesus. He shared the verse Deuteronomy 31:8 with me as I was struggling in my decision process for my fifth year of eligibility. This verse has been one of my favorites ever since and gave me peace through times of uncertainty, and gave me peace in my decision to go to Texas Tech. God has gone before me and is with me through it all.